Dogo Argentino
Mrdak Milovan from Serbia F.C.I. show judge for the II and III group. Relevant experiense judged dog show in Europe and USA. Specialising in group II. Judged specialised molossoid breed show /dogue de bordeaux, mastff, bul mastiff, cane corso, dogo canario, dogo argentino, fila brasiliero, dogo malorqin/. On list of ARBA and ABRA. Judged breed special show of american buldogs in USA and Europe. Make a few seminars about rase dogue de bordeux, cane corso, dogo malorqi. First president of molosser club in ex Yugoslavia.
Today president of the Serbian dogue de bordeux club. Presented and desplayed dogs bouth in all major Europian and USA shows. Wrote a few special texts about molosser breed. More than 25 year work as dog trainer in own scholl Dog master.
Today deal with breeding of dogue de bordeaux. This year wish to finish with wrote of book about dogue de bordeux. Can make comunication on Italian and English language.