Joao Vasco Poças - PT

Russia Black Terrier
Shar Pei
I started in the world of dogs with 15 years old as a handler of 1 Great Dane and that same year I bought my first dog to show, a nice brindle Boxer male and 2 more later.
A year later I acquired my first Pyrenean Mountain Dog in France, 1 year later 1 bitch and my first litter, then I never stopped. Today I also own and breed Dobermann. I made 30 litters of the breed and obtained excellent results and titles like Champions of France and other countries, as well as titles of World-winner Champions.
I have judged in all the European countries, 4 times the WDS at Porto, Helsinki, Paris, Amsterdam, and the EDS in Brussels, Kiev , Slovenia and EDS in 2026.
I have been an international judge since 1996 and since then I have progressed in my career as a judge and are now authorized to judge the 2nd, 8th and 10th groups.
I have judged almost all European countries, UK, Australia, and USA.
From an early age I remained active in various activities as ring steward, I was member of the board and later Secretary, Vice President and later President of the Portuguese Boxer Club, I was on the show committee organization for Atibox 2000 in Portugal. I have judged in 36 countries; I was in the board of many breed clubs, and I am also trainee judge giving seminars for many group 2 breeds.
Frank Kane - UK

Border Collie
Frank showed his first dog, a cocker spaniel as a schoolboy, and he has been involved in the dog world ever since. Whilst at University he co-owned and handled two Sealyham Terriers to their titles. In 1970 he obtained two American cocker spaniel bitches as a foundation for his HIRONTOWER kennel. One of these bitches became a champion and both produced champions. 13 UK Champions were produced with others overseas. The Cockers have also remained a permanent favourite and CCs were won with these also. Frank has also been heavily involved in Dachshunds, Afghans and Great Danes and has handled champions in all of those breeds.
First awarding challenge certificates in the UK IN 1974, Frank is now approved to award CCs in 110 breeds and judges all groups and Best in Show in the UK and has judged all groups and Best in Show under FCI rules. He judged Best in Show at Crufts in 2012.
Frank is a member of the Kennel Club Board of Directors and Chairman of the Breed Standards Committee. He is also chairman of one of the Dog Health groups.
Frank is author of several books on dogs and his book ‘Judging the Gundog Breeds’ is much acclaimed worldwide. Outside his canine interests Frank is a keen horseman and has judged at some prestigious shows in the UK.
Ozan Belkis - TR

Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Welsh Corgi Cardigan
Bassets – all
Ozan Belkis has been involved in dogs since his childhood. Born in 1968 in Izmir, Turkey, he has had several different breeds including an Airedale, a Basset Hound, and a Great Dane.
After owning a Black Russian Terrier, his passion for this magnificent breed, and exhibiting them, opened a new dimension in his life and inspired him to get more involved with the dog show world.
Ozan was the first Turkish exhibitor showing his dogs at International level at World and European Dog shows. These experiences eventually led him to breed Black Russian Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, and Cane Corsos under the Falabella Smyrna Prefix.
Ozan was one of the proud founders of the Turkish Kennel Club (KIF) and since the early days of the organization, he has been instrumental in organizing all breed conformation shows across the country, together with breed events and establishing training and educational programs for judges.
Ozan has been an FCI International Judge since 2009. He has judged in many countries across five continents, including many prestigious events such as the World and European Dog Shows. These include 2017 WDS in Germany, 2018 WDS Netherlands and EDS Poland, 2021 EDS Hungary, 2022 EDS France, 2023 EDS Denmark and 2023 WDS in Switzerland and 2024 WDS in Croatia. This is testament to the regard in which Ozan is considered by the European dog fraternity. He has also judged many breed specialties around the world especially related to FCI Group 2 the Pinchers/Schnauzers/Molosoids.
He is the president of the Turkish Kennel Club and serves as the chairman of the organization’s Judges & Shows committee. He is a board member of several breed clubs.
Zsolt Biró - HU

I was born in Budapest, Hungary 1970.
I got my first German Shepherd in 1984. I have been dealing with breeding the German Shepherd Dogs since 1994 under the kennelname “vom Haus Christa”.
Our dogs are represented all over the world and received many Sieger and Champions titles. With my own bred and handled dogs I reached high ranks several times in the German Sieger’s in the last 20 year.
In 1996 I passed the FCI judge exam as well.
Today I have already have the right to judge the FCI I. II.IV. IX.and part of V. Groups.
The breeds in the FCI Group are also close to me because my wife, Krisztina is a successful and acknowledged Bichon Havanese breeder. She is a breeder and owner of many Champion, World- and European Winner dogs.
As a judge and breeder, my focus is on the functional beauty. The harmony of the dog’s appearance and character is very important to me in the ring as well.
In the last years I received several request from many European countries, and from Indien, Israel,Cyprus to international and special shows. I also judged in more countries the main Sieger show of the German Shepherd.
I consider judging Hungarian breeds an honor and approach them with extreme responsibility. Beauty-health-character are the qualities of a winner in my ring.