VII. year of the prestigious cynological event EPEIROS CUP

13.-14.09.2025 Sunny Lakes Senec, Slovakia

Fernando M. Centurión

History and standard of Dogo Argentino.
My first Dogo Argentino was belong me in 1985, but the one with whom I started with breeding this breed has been with me since 1988. I actively started breeding in 1990 in my kennel called “GREAT TOGO” Here were born plenty Champions of Argentina and International Champions. Member of “Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez” (CDA) club since 1989. Advisor of breeding since 1996 (CDA). In 2001, founder and president of “Club del Dogo Argentino Federal, Criadores y Cazadores” (CFDACC). Secretary of the Club “Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez” since 2006. Currently President of the club. A Judge for Dogo Argentino since 2008. Member of the Commission for working Dogo Argentino since 2008. Judge specialist for: Dogo Argentino, Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer and Giant Schnauzer. I am the judge for FCI groups 2 and 10.
The current president of Raza del Club del Dogo Argentino “Dr. Antonio Nores Martínez “(CDA). Member of the Disciplinary commity in Argentina Kennel Federation (FCA). I have judged many special exhibitions in Argentina, Italy, Greece, Serbia and China; special exhibitions AMDA in 2014 Amda (Serbia) and 2011 (Italy, Reggio Emilia), National Specialty show in Argentina in 2010 and the first official special exhibition in Shanghai (China) which was organize at the occasion of foundation of the Dogo Argentinof Club in China (CKUDC ). Co-publisher and Editor of Funcionalidad para la Raza Dogo Argentino en el CDA. Co-founder of the World Association of Dogo Argentino (AMDA) in 2009. Author of many articles about this breed.